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What I Believe

Stronger connection can arise from deep loss: Working with stepmoms, combat veterans, disaster evacuees, and other marginalized adults, as well as personally living with and climbing out of isolation, I have discovered that the loss of connection is both the most dangerous and most potentially empowering life experience. Our greatest strength and connections reveal themselves when we reach up from the lonely abysss.

I am 53, have stepparented for 17 years, grew up in a stepfamily of 7, and lost and found myself along the way, so have lived long and real enough to know that wellbeing and a positive home life go hand in hand. 

I also believe that to accomplish this, we must balance self-care with other-care. To integrate our healthy mind, body, and spirit with our step relationships is the giant leap forward.

The epic woman’s power is in her willingness to evolve for positive connection. We turn into epic women not by conquering, but by communicating effectively AND creating a powerful wisdom circle to encourage, assist, and inform us in building our best lives and romantic partnerships.

We lead. We pivot. We connect. We live greatly even in the midst of epic complexity.

This is my mission, to assist Epic Stepmoms in activating their full potential. 

iishana Artra, PhD

Does this inspire you?

Epic Stepmoms live the heroine’s journey as we learn new ways to connect with others as well as ourselves, to know our purpose when others do not hand us one. To craft the kind of control that does not alienate, but smooths the way for everyone. This way we can thrive and serve in the joy of feeling connected even as we flow from solo moments to those embraced by loved ones.

Connect to your best self and loved ones with expert help. 

StepMom Academy, Private Coaching, and Professional Consultation

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