“It’s like I am falling from the sky without a parachute.”
While 1 in 40 base jumpers don’t make it, 28 in 40 Stepmoms crash and burnout. The difference? Power, training, mindset, support. It is time for an extremely radical shift in how Stepmoms approach their Xsport.
The deeply empowering 5 keys method described here is the parachute.
In this interview, Laura Jenkins and I discuss the most POWERFUL action steps you can take to claim your own health and wellbeing, clarity, and self esteem. I share rarely discussed (if at all!) highly impactful methods for your massive stress reduction.
- See beyond the surface to really get at what fuels the tough situations, so you can put out the fires of stressful stepfamily situations (from lonely dinners to death threats from biomoms), as we unpack the 6 BIG Challenges of Stepmomming that are a significant cause of stepmom stress.
- Gain power by discovering the 5 Keys to successfully overcoming those challenges, to putting out the fires and avoiding total burnout.
- Learn the highly effective 4 stage approach to MASSIVE STRESS REDUCTION.
In this interview, you will discover the secrets to greater clarity, health and wellbeing, and self-esteem , whether or not you are stepmomming childfree or while also raising your own children.
As inspired, comment below to share what has helped you the most as a Stepmom!
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